Beaver Builder Pro V2.8.0.6 Free Download: A Comprehensive Guide

10 min read

Are you looking for a WordPress page builder that can help you create professional-looking websites without much hassle? Look no further than Beaver Builder Pro. Lauded for its ease of use, customization options, and flexibility, this page builder has become a popular choice amongst website designers and developers alike.

In this blog post, we’ll explore what Beaver Builder is, what its pro version entails, and what makes it stand out from other page builders in the market. We’ll also answer some common questions you may have about this plugin and provide you with the latest changelog.

So, let’s dive in!

About Beaver Builder Pro v2.8.0.6 Premium WordPress Plugin Latest Version

Beaver Builder Pro Premium WordPress Plugin Free Download is a feature-rich front-end visual page builder plugin for WordPress. With Beaver Builder, you can build unlimited custom posts and pages quickly by dragging and dropping elements. You can freely arrange text, images, icons, videos, and many other page elements using it. This builder plugin works on what you see is what you get basis that makes it a full front-end page editor.

Beaver Builder Pro has about 30 modules that you can use while building pages for adding pre-made content elements. The interface of this page builder is immaculate and clutter-free. To add items on the page, you have to click on the big plus icon available on the screen’s top right corner.

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What is Beaver Builder Pro?

Beaver Builder Pro is the premium version of Beaver Builder. While the standard version is free, the Pro version unlocks a whole host of new features and functionalities that take your website design to the next level. It comes with a range of pre-made templates, advanced layout options, custom modules, and much more.

Main Features of Beaver Builder Pro – Page Builder Plugin for WordPress

  • Fully featured front-end page builder
  • Responsive output
  • Lightweight
  • Dozens of beautiful pre-made templates
  • Clean code
  • Drag and drop editor
  • Allow reusing saved templates
  • Shortcodes and widget support
  • Support custom post types
  • Optimized for search engines
  • Import/export also allowed
  • Reusable saved rows and columns
  • Easy to use
  • Responsive editing
  • Developer friendly
  • Advanced design options, such as custom CSS and font management
  • Pre-made templates and modules for faster website building
  • Support for dynamic content, such as Beaver Themer and Beaver Builder Theme
  • Drag-and-drop interface for seamless customization
  • WooCommerce support for e-commerce websites
  • Integration with popular third-party tools, such as Mailchimp and Zapier
  • Responsive design that adapts to all screen sizes and devices

What Does Beaver Builder Do?

Beaver Builder allows you to design custom pages for your WordPress website with ease. Whether you want to create a landing page, design a blog post, or customize your homepage, this plugin has got you covered. With its user-friendly interface, you can drag and drop elements, rearrange layout, and preview your changes in real-time.

What is Beaver Builder Pro Used For?

Beaver Builder Pro is used primarily for advanced website designing and development. It lets you create custom layouts, work with dynamic content, and add advanced modules, such as sliders, accordions, and tabs. Additionally, you can also use it to create professional-looking landing pages and sales funnels.

Can I Use Beaver Builder for Free?

Yes, you can use the standard version of Beaver Builder for free. However, note that the free version has limited functionalities and doesn’t include many advanced modules and templates that are available in the Pro version.

Is Beaver Builder Pro Worth It?

If you’re looking for a robust and flexible page builder that can help you create stunning websites with ease, then Beaver Builder Pro is definitely worth it. Its advanced functionalities, pre-made templates, and customization options make it an excellent choice for both beginners and advanced users.

Is Beaver Builder a Free Plugin?

While the standard version of Beaver Builder is free to use, Beaver Builder Pro is a premium plugin that requires a paid subscription.

How Does Beaver Builder Work?

Beaver Builder works by providing you with an intuitive drag-and-drop interface that lets you customize your website design without the need for coding. You can choose from a range of pre-made templates, modules, and layouts, or create your own from scratch. By using a combination of modules, templates, and widgets, you can create a stunning website that reflects your brand’s personality and style.

Is Beaver Builder Faster Than Elementor?

In terms of speed and performance, Beaver Builder is generally considered to be faster than Elementor. It’s less resource-heavy, and its code output is more optimized, resulting in faster loading times.

How Do I Use Plugins in Beaver Builder?

To use plugins in Beaver Builder, you simply need to install and activate them as you would any other WordPress plugin. Once you’ve done that, you can use the existing modules and widgets provided by the plugin, or customize them to suit your needs.

Is Beaver Builder Better Than Divi?

When it comes to page builders, both Beaver Builder and Divi are excellent choices in their own right. Beaver Builder is known for its ease of use and flexibility, while Divi offers advanced customization options and a powerful theme builder. Ultimately, the choice between the two depends on your needs and preferences.

Sales Page/Live Demo of Beaver Builder Pro v2.8.0.6 – WordPress Page Builder Plugin


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What’s New in Beaver Builder Pro v2.8.0.6 (Changelog)

  • Improved compatibility with WordPress 5.9
  • Fixed issues with theme stylesheet loading
  • Added new background video module
  • Improved performance of the Slider module
  • Added new pre-made templates
  • Fix Rows set to minimum height but no value rendering with a min-height of 100vh
  • TEC: Fix TEC sections missing from the Post Grid Module when editing a TEC Themer Archive Layout
  • Fix conflict with Ultimate Dashboard Pro and the inline CSS filter
  • WooCommerce: Fix Product Tabs Description displaying even if no data
  • Staging Sites Fix: on site URL change, register license on site and domain manager and clear cache
  • Subscribe Module: Fix Drip integration not showing Workflows when WooCommerce Drip plugin active
  • Fix Rows set to minimum height but no value rendering with a min-height of 100vh
  • TEC: Fix TEC sections missing from the Post Grid Module when editing a TEC Themer Archive Layout
  • Fix conflict with Ultimate Dashboard Pro and the inline CSS filter
  • WooCommerce: Fix Product Tabs Description displaying even if no data
  • Staging Sites Fix: on site URL change, register license on site and domain manager and clear cache
  • Subscribe Module: Fix Drip integration not showing Workflows when WooCommerce Drip plugin active
  • Icon Group Module: Fix icon width being too narrow in preview
  • Fix conflict with WooCommerce Tab Manager
  • Post Carousel Module: Fix navigation arrows being on top of the mega menu of the Menu Module
  • Post Module: fix no posts message not showing when it should during preview of an Archive layout
  • Exclude the Block Widget from the BB UI as it has no purpose in the UI
  • Button Group: Hide align field when using vertical align and default width
  • Update stats URL to use https
  • Fix search placement in content panel
  • WooCommerce: Fix BB not working if Product Description is blank
  • Fix a PHP Notice with WordPress Widgets
  • Fix bottom row shape leaving a thin line when using midpoint
  • Fix Row full height setting affecting nested rows via shortcode
  • Fix tooltips being narrow in form fields set to multiple
  • TEC: Fix recurring events being shown in the Posts module when they should be excluded
  • Fix fatal error in recent fonts if it’s not an array
  • Fix partial layout stylesheet not getting updated after making changes to the actual template
  • Remove extra slash in FontAwesome URL
  • Contact Form Module: Fix accessibility issues with form labels for Name and the Success URL
  • Subscribe Module: Fix PHP 8 issue with Drip integration
  • Post Module: Fix fatal errors when using PHP 8 when saving certain settings with blank values
  • TEC Pro: Fix fatal errors when using the Events Manager Date Filters
  • Fix compatibility with Google Site Kit plugin and others that use Rest API
  • Tweak our Mod Security filter to prevent it from interfering with column resize
  • Remove code no longer needed for the excerpt fix we implemented in 2.5.1
  • On publish, ensure assets are generated properly
  • Accordion Module: Fix items not being able to be closed manually and fix smooth opening and closing not working
  • Button Module: Fix hover color issue
  • Menu Module: Fix sub-menu items using inherit for backwards compatibility
  • Post Grid Module: Fix FontAwesome icons being enqueued when it is not needed
  • Search module: fix missing an echo statement in the value attribute
  • Outline Panel: Fix not being able to delete unavailable modules
  • Fix ACF cache not being cleared for option pages properly
  • Fix JS error when changing a module setting and using the Publish keyboard shortcut
  • Fix limit on repeater field not working inside a form field
  • Fix FontAwesome icons preload issue
  • Optimize visibility fix to prevent an infinite loop
  • SEO Plugin integrations: don’t delete assets while fetching data to prevent 404 errors with assets
  • weak the way we generate our unique node IDs to ensure that they always will be a string
  • Add offset option to Row Parallax background image
  • Allow user to choose images for different breakpoints when row is set to parallax background
  • Add support for Query Monitor to be used while inside the UI
  • Contact Form & Subscribe Form Modules: Show any WP_Error detected so it’s easier to debug issues
  • Update Ace Editor to latest version
  • Update FontAwesome to latest version
  • Icon Group Module: Make spacing option responsive
  • Reduce number of queries for Saved nodes by switching from using get_terms function to get_the_terms since it’s cached
  • Pricing Table Module: Make Advanced Spacing, Tooltip Icon Size, Feature Icon Size, Box Top Margin and Typography responsive
  • Fix conflict with Signify theme when adding media in UI
  • Fix issue with Slide Right animation
  • Fixed Saved nodes not retaining categories when published in BB UI
  • Button Group Module: Fix background animation not working
  • Video Module: Fixed flash on loading when set to loop
  • Accordion Module: Fix “Expand first item” option issue with anchor links
  • Content Slider Module: Fix module autoplaying when clicking on the arrows
  • Menu Module: Fix no smooth scrolling on mobile and not closing properly after clicking an anchor link
  • Button Module: Fix column text color overriding module color
  • Subscribe Module: Fix Mailjet integration only showing 10 lists
  • Callout Module: Fix issues with rel attribute
  • Add select2 text color for UI Dark Mode
  • Fix issue with get_excerpt function showing wrong data when using visibility options
  • Pricing Table Module: Fix custom icons not working in feature list
  • WPML: Fix cache clear issue when switching domains
  • Menu Module: Fix missing closing li tags
  • Fix fatal error in UI in certain circumstances when plugins add widgets
  • Menu Module: Logo option now correctly outputs alt attribute
  • Fix fatal error if search enabled in Menu Module but Search module is disabled in settings and is_module_disable_enabled
    is set to true
  • Contact Form Module: Escape characters in fields.
  • Post Module: Fix missing images in Safari 13 and below when using Load More or Scroll for pagination.
  • Post Module: Fix blurry images in Safari when using scroll for pagination and when using some CDNs for images.
  • Revert fix for button styling applying to inputs in the Subscribe Module.
  • Fixed compatibility with ClassicPress.
  • Add compatibility with Assistant 6.
  • Improvement: Small changes to the Updates Unavailable message so it will show why updates are unavailable.
  • Added Alpha/Beta updates opt-in setting in Settings > Tool admin page.
  • Audio Module: Fix issue if audio file URL contains query strings.
  • Callout Module: Fix border-radius not affecting the image.
  • And some other small bug fixes and improvements.

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In summary, Beaver Builder Pro is a fantastic page builder that offers advanced functionalities and customization options for website designing and development. Whether you’re a beginner or advanced user, this plugin provides you with the tools you need to create stunning websites that reflect your brand’s identity. So why not give it a try today?

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